Galactic Savannah: The Giraffes' Serenade - Canvas Print

Ai Poem about this Giraffe Art:

In whispers of twilight, 'neath cosmos in bloom,
Giraffes stroll through stardust, their necks brush the moon.
Their steps hum in cadence with planets in tune,
A dance through the glade, neath the gaze of the moon.

Exotic the flowers that carpet their trail,
A tapestry woven in colors so frail.
The universe spins, a grand, endless tale,
As giraffes glide gently, their beauty unveiled.

In this realm surreal, where night meets the dawn,
The giraffes are the kings of a world that's reborn.
With each step they take, a new star is drawn,
In the galactic savannah, where dreams are adorned.

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