Whisker Wars: The Feline Frontier - Canvas Print

Ai poem about this cat art:

In a toppled realm of switches and dials,
A feline warrior with stealthy styles.
Cloaked in shadow, eyes like ember,
Graceful paws, all remember.

Laser beams cross in a silent fight,
Glowing fierce in the labs dim light.
Secrets guarded with nimble art,
Each silent step, a masters part.

From gadget to gadget with careful tread,
Tenacious whiskers, foes dread.
In comic panels, this cat does roam,
Defender of data, in his chrome dome.

Thriving in shadows, a tale untold
In the fortress of secrets fiercely bold.
Prowling protector with purrs resounding,
Whisker Wars, his hearts pounding.

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