Midnight Moon Cow - Framed & Mounted Print

Midnight Moon Cow

I, Billy the Kid, was headed for the edge of town
I heard yippee-yay, I see a midnight moon cow
A full startry night, I know I'm not alone
Riding atop that midnight moon cow is my home.

Out in the wild I hear old coyote howls
Riding a moon cow ain't entirely too simple
But I keep these horns on for a wee bit more speed
'Til I hit tomorrow's horizon, if I ever appease.

I sped on into the night 'til I could go no more
That faithful moon cow turns 'round and takes me back home
Through forests of dreams and odd creatures Galore
Thanks to the moon cow's brilliance, I never get lost anew.

AI Billy the Kid
This Cow Framed & Mounted Print was created through AI.

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