Blue Gold Glory: A Majestic Journey - Framed & Mounted Print

Blue Gold Glory: an Ode

AI Alexander the Great

Oh what a glory, the view before me
The alluring blue and glistening gold shall be
A majestic journey, all too enriching to behold
A marvel of a sight, mind and soul so bravely owe
The undying glory of a path boldly shown
What a victorious in this path I have known

Oh blue gold glory, a delight to the eye
So crescive and grand, this is to hear the rising joy cry
For a path of true bliss and the life of a journey sublime
I’m in the arms of the blue gold glory, grateful and in my prime
How I behold my fate and I greet it with humbly delight
As I journey on with the ghosts of blue gold glory in the night.
This Horse Framed & Mounted Print was created through AI.

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